sabato 31 ottobre 2015

#EXPO2015: photos of visitors from across the world

Pavillon Brasil - the Closure 

Press Team from Thailand 

Green Energy Projecy 2020 - Dubai

Little girl from China enjoying Italian prosciutto 

#EXPO2015: message from the United Arabic Emirates: exploring clean energy

Hereby the beautiful message from the UAE created for the occasion of the worldwide food exhibition:

salt, working together for a world without hunger, promote fish sustainability, no water consumption.

The UAE green claim, reaches your heart and make you thinking.

mercoledì 14 ottobre 2015

#EFSAExpo2015: Shaping the future of Food Safety, Milan 14-16 October 2015

The 14th of October 2015 in Milan is taking place the second EFSA scientific conference: 'Shaping the future of food safety, togheter', organised in collaboration and in occasion of the Expo 2015.