giovedì 12 maggio 2016

#World Food Research & Innovation Forum# Parma 9 May 2016

Under the slogan "#Feeding the Planet #Energy for Life, the 2015 Italian edition of the Universal Expo has opened a global debate on the future of food right that is leading to decisions and strategic initiatives to be implemented globally.

Feeding the Planet is a two food challenge. One of hand, there is the urgency, especially in developing countries, to ensure the availability of food for a costantly growing population.
On the other hand, there is the need to ensure the quality and safety of food produced and distributed in an increasingly global supply chain.

Both perspectives must taken into account the need to reconcile different approach in full respect of global and sustainable development, in its broadest sense, including environmental, social and economic aspects, which are currently implemented trough to so called   #bio-based.

The universal right to build a constructive dialogue among the key players of the global food system: governments, international organizations, food safety authorities, research and science community, businesses as well as local producers, stakeholders and communities.

Hence a strategic relationship must be established between institutions, research & business to facilitate global cooperation in order to guarantee this #Food Right.

To meet this need the #World Food Research & Innovation Forum# has launched a permanent platform to debate at worldwide level and a global forum to be held every two years.

The forum intends to enhance the development of a model based on three pillars: security, safety, and sustainability.

for more info


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